Saturday, January 10, 2009

~New Header~

During one of my blog hopping episodes, I came across the best website ever, SCRAPBLOG!!! All the images are completely free, & it's very easier to use! I have photoshop, but it's a very difficult program to understand. My best friend Robin & I had so much fun last night creating new headers! Looks like we have found a new addiction!!! If you are interested in adding one to your blog, here are the steps you can take once you have created your header. You will have to create an account with scrapblog.

Directions for adding your scrapblog header to your blog:
1) Click "publish" when you are finished with your header. (You can publish publicly or privately -- no one else will see your design on their site if you choose to publish privately.)
2) Click "No, thanks" when the pop-up asks if you would like to share your scrapblog with others on the site. (Don't click "view scrapblog" yet.)
3) In the upper left corner, click on "File" and then click "Export as JPEG."
4) Click "Download" on the page you want to use as your header, and save as you do your other photo images.
5) Then, after your scrapblog has downloaded, open your blog and go to the layout tab in Blogger.
6) Click on your header's "edit" link.
7) Then upload your image (you may need to check "shrink to fit") and save it! And, that's it!


Payne Family said...

I am LOVING the new headers!! I haven't gotten around to playing with Scrapblog again, but I can't wait to see the possibilities!!!

Kelli said...

How cool! I love your header. I'm still trying to figure out this site but I'm going to give it a try!