Monday, November 17, 2008

Connor's first field trip!

Connor's first field trip was to Beebe Farm in Baldwin county. He had a blast and so did I!!! He thoroughly enjoyed the bus ride as it was his first time ever on a school bus! I cherish these memories with the boys!

This was one of my first shots of Connor & turned out to be one of my favorites because of the image on the glass! He was just beside himself being on a school bus! (You can click on the picture to see a larger version)

This was Connor calling Kevin and telling him we were about to go through the tunnel! Kevin was able to look out his work window and see us.

This would be my other favorite shot of the day. Just the color is great & I love how Connor is looking!

Connor with the pumpkin that he picked out. Of course it was the largest!

Feeding the goat, which he LOVED!!!

Connor & the goat!

Connor meeting up with his best friend, Trent, during the lunch break!

Connor's favorite part of the field trip...riding the pony!

My last favorite shot of the day! If you enlarge the picture, you'll be able to see how hilarious Connor is being & the interaction with his teacher, Mrs. Smith, is priceless!

Still acting silly!

1 comment:

Payne Family said...

Great pictures!! And great memories!