Sunday, July 1, 2007

In loving memory of my dad

Wow I can't believe that it's been three years since my dad's passing. Some days it seems just like it was yesterday & other days it seems like an eternity. Losing a parent has been the most difficult trial of my entire life. There is such a huge void left in my life. There's not been one day that has passed that I haven't thought of my dad & some days there's not a waking hour that I'm not thinking of him. My dad was the BEST dad in the world and the GREATEST grandfather in the world. I am forever thankful for the time that God gave him to me. Today at church the message was so awesome. God was definitely talking to me. He reminded me that I'm not alone in this trial because I have Him. And, this is just the reminder that I needed. I am also grateful that Myles and Connor were able to see him nearly every single day of their life because no matter what was going on or how tired I was, I made an effort to take them to my parent's house because I knew that he wouldn't be here forever due to his illness. He would be so proud of the boys. I know that they are everything that he would want them to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a great story, Joebo would be so proud of you. Just remember he is in a better place now and we will see him again oneday..